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Dr. Rajeshree Narendra



Krishna Mohan Medical College and Hospital (KMMC) is an esteemed institution known for its dedication to medical education and healthcare services. The teaching staff at KMMC plays a crucial role in shaping the future of aspiring medical professionals. One notable member of the teaching staff is Dr. Rajeshree Narendra Dange, who holds the position of Professor.

Dr. Rajeshree Narendra Dange is a highly respected and accomplished individual in the field of medicine. With her extensive knowledge and expertise, she serves as a valuable asset to KMMC. As a Professor, Dr. Dange is responsible for imparting her wisdom and experience to students, ensuring they receive a comprehensive understanding of medical concepts and practices.

With her dedication to teaching, Dr. Dange creates an engaging and nurturing learning environment for her students. She employs effective teaching methodologies, encourages active participation, and promotes critical thinking. Driven by her passion for medical education, she strives to inspire and motivate her students to excel in their academic pursuits.

Apart from her role as a professor, Dr. Rajeshree Narendra Dange is actively involved in research and scholarly activities. Her contributions to the medical field extend beyond the classroom, as she continuously strives to advance knowledge and make significant contributions to the healthcare community.

As a member of the teaching staff at KMMC, Dr. Rajeshree Narendra Dange embodies the institution’s commitment to excellence in medical education. Her expertise, dedication, and passion for teaching make her an invaluable asset to both the institution and its students.